Whale on a beach
Mladinska knjiga založba
Country: Slovenia
Original title: KIT NA PLAŽI
Original language: Slovenian
Age group: 8 - 16
Categories: Fiction
Inclusive towards: gender, sexuality, ability, socio-economic background
Author: Vinko Moderndorfer
Number of pages: 224
Format (in mm): 140 X 200
Info on rights holder: Mladinska Knjiga senja.pozar@mkz.si
Website: www.mladinska.com/eng
Email: info@mladinska.com
When it comes to publishing in Slovenia, Mladinska knjiga is a household name. For more than 70 years we have successfully maintained the status of the largest publishing house in Slovenia with extensive fiction and nonfiction lists for all generations as well as magazines for children and teenagers. We take pride in achieving the highest standards of quality at all levels. Special attention is devoted to picture books. Renowned award-winning authors and illustrators and the highest quality content and design - these are only some of the reasons why our picture books appeal to readers and publishers all over the world. To find out more about what we have to offer, you are warmly invited to visit our website at www.mladinska.com/publishing.
Nika, a lively, curious teenager, moves house with her parents. She goes to a new school now, in a new place with new classmates. All seems lovely and just as it should be. Nika is popular, she makes friends easily; she is outgoing and witty. But it turns out that she keeps a secret; a secret that quickly gets out of the bag and will now change the lives of everyone around her... This heartwarming
story about accepting difference is bound to appeal to young adults
and adults, too.
Whale on a Beach is a story about diversity, normality and about the many struggles involved in growing up for modern-day teenagers, caught between family and peers. Theatrical premiere in Ljubljana in September 2018.
Info on author
Slovenian poet, writer, dramatist and director Vinko Möderndorfer was born in 1958. He directs theatre plays, opera performances, television works and movies. He has published more than fifty works of prose, poetry, drama and essays and is one of the most prolific Slovenian authors awarded with innumerable awards (the prominent Prešeren Fund Award and Župančič Award among others). His first novel for children Like in a Movie was awarded with Modra ptica Award, Večernica and Desetnica Award in 2013. His works for children include poetry, picture books, short stories and novels. He lives and works in Ljubljana.
Bibliography of works for children
1993 Kako se dan lepo začne, Državna založba
1995 Madonca fleten svet, Mladinka knjiga
2003 Zakaj so sloni rahlospeči, Mladika
2015 Pesmi in pesmičice, Mladinska knjiga
1999 Sin Srakolin, Aristej (short story)
2002 Muc Langus in Čarovnička Gajka, Mladika (picture book)
2006 Vrnitev muca Langusa in Čarovnička Gajka, Mladika (picture book)
2009 Potovanje muca Langusa & čarovničke Gajke: vesele dogodivščine mucka Mikija, Mladika (picture book)
2010 Rdečehlačka, Mladika (short stories)
2011 Velika žehta, Mladinska knjiga (picture book)
2013 Kot v filmu, Mladinska knjiga (novel)
2015 Kit na plaži, Mladinska knjiga (novel)
2018 Ime mi je Andrej, Mladinska knjiga (novel)
2019 Babica za lahko noč, Miš (poetry)
Et. al.
Awards and nominations
Winner of the Desetnica Award 2017
Ibby Honour List 2018
Media mentions