The Cat Couldn’t Care Less
Country: Germany
Original title: Der Katze ist es ganz egal
Original language: German
Age group: 5 - 12
Categories: fiction, Illustration.
Inclusive towards: Gender, sexuality
Author: Franz Orghandl
Illulustrator: Theresa Strozyk
Number of pages: 80
Format (in mm): 150 x 200
Info on rights holder: Klett Kinderbuch
Rights sold: All rights available
Email: rights@dtv.de
Website: www.klett-kinderbuch.de
Klett Kinderbuch is a small independent German publishing house for children’s books. We are publishing picture books, fiction and entertaining non-fiction titles for children from 2 to 12 years. We focus on topics from children’s realistic everyday life. We try to fill a gap by focusing on subjects, that didn’t find their way into children’s books yet or deal with taboos. Otherwise we are looking for new or original approaches on known subjects. We are looking for edgy, authentic, exciting, entertaining, clever, humours, challenging and thought-provoking books, that don’t shouldn’t be too obviously pedagogical and educational or obsessively politically correct at first glance.

“I’m no different than I was. All I did was figure out that there’d been a mix-up.”
Leo has a new name: Jennifer. Jennifer doesn’t know how she learned what her real name is, but she is very glad to have finally woken up one day being aware of it. It is like something that helps you to sleep better.
It’s just that the adults don’t understand at first. Actually, they still think that she should be Leo, the boy. This perspective isn’t shared by Gabriel, Anne and Stella, the best friends in the world and loyal companions in all things involving skipping school, trying on clothes, and finding yourself. They prefer to model their actions on the example set by the cat. It is neither happy nor sad about Leo’s new name. It couldn’t care less.
Hearty and cheerful - not constructed as a problem story - Franz Orghandl tells the tale of Jennifer, a transgender child whose story reflects what is truly important in life.
Info on the author:
Franz Orghandl was born in Vienna in 1980, and spent her childhood between the 5th District, the green hills of the Steiermark, and Italy’s southernmost mountain. She works as an author and translator.
Info on the illustrator:
Theresa Strozyk, born in 1979, spent much of her childhood reading, watching films and drawing. She studied animation at the Konrad Wolff Film University - that’s what happens when you do those things! - and went on to create children’s cartoons. For Klett Kinderbuch, she illustrated Werner Holzwarth’s beloved rhyming book, Mag ich! Gar nicht! Theresa Strozyk lives and works in Berlin.