Ramses Rhythm
Uitgeverij Wilde Haren
Country: The Netherlands
Original title: Het Ritme van Ramses
Original language: Dutch
Age group: 0 - 4
Categories: Fiction, illustration.
Inclusive towards: Ability, race, sexuality, cultural background.
Author: Femke van Oorsouw
Illustrator: D’Avellonne van Dijk
Number of pages: 36
Format (in mm): 306 x 218 x 10
Info on rights holder: Uitgeverij Wilde Haren
Year of first publication: 2022
Website: www.uitgeverijwildeharen.nl
Email: info@uitgeverijwildeharen.nl
In this book, the main character Ramses searches for the source of his talent. He’s very good at dancing, but his mothers are not. At school, Paolo learns that his friends have the same talent as their parents. ‘Yuan makes art in class. Her mother is also an artist.’ Ramses keeps asking questions. Will he find out where his talent comes from?
Info on the author:
Our author Femke van Oorsouw fell in love with her friend Mariëlle in 2013. For the first time, she fell in love with a woman and it felt natural quite quickly. The only unpleasant circumstance was Femke’s desire for children. How do they fulfil that wish together? Nowadays Mariëlle and Femke are the proud mothers of their son Ramses. “Ramses isn’t asking questions about fathers yet but when he does, we are ready. We can explain the story at his level with this picture book.” Ramses Rhythm is Ramses’ and many other children’s origin story. For many lesbian mothers it’s hard to find a book about a family friend being the father of their child. That’s why Femke decided to use this theme in a picture book. In her own words: “My son isn’t at a disadvantage; he has a beautiful story. That’s the story I tell in Ramses Rhythm. ~ Femke van Oorsouw
Info on the illustrator:
After reading the manuscript it quickly became clear that D’Avallonne had to illustrate it. As a child, D’Avallonne fell in love with girls more easily than with boys. Within her field of passion – animation and illustration – she didn’t see any black girls that fell in love with girls like she did. She mostly saw lots of Western princesses whose stories got decided by their fathers or their prince. D’Avallonne gets the chance to give little girls that resemble her a new view of women through Ramses Rhythm: women that love one another, start a family together, and have two left feet.
About Uitgeverij Wilde Haren:
We, D'avellonne van Dijk and Loulou Drinkwaard, founded Uitgeverij Wilde haren in the summer of 2020. We have been involved in representation in stories and illustrations for a long time. D’avellonne from her work as an illustrator and Loulou as a Dutch teacher. With Uitgeverij Wilde Haren, we are committed to equality between white children, children of color, and black children. We do this by equalizing the gap between the visibility of white characters in children's books compared to characters of color. We publish children's books with illustrations of main characters with a migration background. This mission is of great importance for the self-confidence and self-image of children of color. To see yourself is to be seen and to recognize yourself is to be recognized. Our books show all children that any child can be a princess, superhero, policeman, cop, or knight, regardless of the child's skin color or background. With this, we illustrate that all children are equal and can receive equal opportunities in society.