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How can inclusive books reach (young) audiences?

Updated: Sep 1, 2021

Aerial photo of people sitting in a circle during a talk.

With ‘Every Story Matters’ we want to create broad public awareness on inclusion in literature. This is why we will involve different audiences at our ‘ESM/Cada Historia Cónta’ conference in Lisbon. Our first panel discussion will focus on how inclusive content can be created. During our second panel in the afternoon we will bring together library professionals and teachers to discuss their role in making sure inclusive books can be picked up and read by (young) audiences.

Joining us on the panel:

- Susana Silvestre (PT) is Head of the Lisbon Library Network, managing 17 libraries and about 160 members of staff. She is a member of the Committee of Honor of the National Plan for Reading 2027. Susana gives training courses and lectures across different countries and has published numerous scientific articles on emergent and family literacy, as well as the role of public libraries in the 21st century.

- Martin Zandi (DK) is a project and development consultant at Roskilde Libraries, where he primarily coordinates the library’s project portfolio and its international projects on digital literacy, literature and integration. He was Administrative Coordinator for the project “A Million Stories”, an intercultural storytelling project initiated and led by Roskilde Libraries, in collaboration with Malmö (SE) and Cologne (D) public libraries and Future Library in Athens (GR). The project has created a digital library of human experiences, containing more than 600 stories from refugees that have fled to EU in recent years.

- João Paulo Proença (PT) is inter-council Coordinator of the Network of School Libraries for the municipalities of Almada and Seixal. He also gives trainings on School Libraries, Informatics, Communication Technologies and Educational Innovation. He coordinates the task force on School Libraries of BAD - Portuguese Association of Librarians, Archivists and Documentalists. He obtained a master in Information Management and School Libraries with a dissertation on "The School Library and Web 2.0 - Questions about some practices in the implementation and perception of the impact on library work" at the Open University. Since 2001, he has coordinated several European projects, including the READ ON project.

- Nadia Yracema (PT) completed a training course at TEUC - Student Theatre of the University of Coimbra in 2008, whereafter she became a board member until 2011. At the same time, she attended Law School at Coimbra University. She joined ESTC – Higher School of Theatre and Cinema 2012. Nadia participates actively in various social organisations that promote collaborative work in the areas of cinema, theatre and performance. She is one of the creators of the play ‘Aurora Negra’ which will premier at the National Theatre D. Maria II in Lisbon in May 2020.

This panel will be moderated by Margarida Ferra (PT). After having worked in several bookstores and having provided proofreading and other reading services to various publishers, Margarida started freelancing in the publishing field. She was communications advisor for Quetzal Editores for two years. After that, she coordinated the editorial communications of the current Bertrand Circulo Group. Since 2016, she has been Head of Communications at Casa Fernando Pessoa. Driven by her interest in museums and literature, she obtained a master’s degree in Museology at FCSH-UNL. She is a member of Access Culture and collaborates with the festival Play - Cinema to Dream. She has published two poetry books and two books for children.

We are sure this panel conversation won’t leave you uninspired. Still looking for ways to promote inclusive literature nevertheless? Next year, we will be organizing some workshops focused on this subject for libraries across Portugal.

Looking forward to get inspired during this panel discussion?

Don’t forget to subscribe for our conference on 19 November!

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