What could be more exciting than eternal reading and eternal learning? Here are nine tips for giving your team further training in inclusion and diversity.
1 EU platform of Diversity Charters
There are many national diversity charters that focus on diversifying the workforce. The European Commission has brought them all together on the EU Platform of Diversity Charters, where you can find various examples of good practice in the fields of diversity and inclusivity.
2 Diversity and inclusion in your organization
The Dutch organization Code Di has developed a Diversity & Inclusion Code. It is aimed at those working in the cultural and creative sector, and it consists of five principles for effectively shaping and promoting diversity and inclusivity in your organization and in your work.
3 Unconscious bias training
Prejudices are often passed on unconsciously. Unconscious bias training aims at making recruiters more aware of their preconceived notions. LinkedIn, for example, offers an online course (for a fee, but free to Premium members). On the website of Harvard University you can take a free Implicit Association Test.
4 Disability equality training
Shape Arts is an organization run for and by people with disabilities, aiming to make it easier for them to gain access to culture. Among other things, it organizes training for cultural institutions, such as its Disability Equality Training, and invites organizations to lend an ear to experts during an Access Audit. By becoming more confident about working and interacting with disabled people, you can ensure they have a better experience of your event or in your organization.
5 Accessible employment guide
Want to learn more about accessibility in the workplace? Then take a look at the Accessible Employment Guide put out by Attitude is Everything. It focuses on working with the deaf and hard of hearing, but it can be an eye-opener for everyone. The guide asks specific questions and presents concrete answers: Do team members have control over the environment in which they work? Can they be proud of their organization? It combines examples of good practice with testimony from people with disabilities who describe their experiences of working and how their own company or organization addresses their needs. Want to go a step further? Then take a look at the Disability Confident Employment Toolkit.
6 Inclusive language
Using language correctly is one of the easiest ways of ensuring that everyone feels safe and involved. The University of Manchester has written a guide in which you can find advice (in English) to help you use the right works for talking about functional disabilities, mental health, age, ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation. This is an English-language guide, but they exist in many other languages. In Flanders the non-profit organization Wel Jong Niet Hetero gives advice on the correct use of gender-neutral pronouns in Dutch. Similar organizations are active in other languages and other countries. Know of one that you can recommend? Please do share it in the comments below.
7 Safe spaces
Do you work in a diverse team? Then it’s crucial to create a safe workplace. You can find inspiration in the crash course Safeguarding offered by the Aga Khan Foundation. In short videos (adding up to around fifty-five minutes) you’ll discover for example how you can quickly familiarize new colleagues with your company and its values.
8 Accessible websites
How could you make your website more accessible? Leaf through the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. Want to know more? Then read our five tips on the subject.
9 Inclusive events
The European Heritage Days Inclusive Events Toolbox gives concrete tips and examples for making your events and activities as accessible as possible, from choosing the perfect location to working with volunteers and drawing up a budget. The toolbox is the result of a research project from 2019-2020 that was supported by the European Council and the European Commission.