‘Every Story Matters’ consists of a close collaboration between 6 European partners, that all have a different role within the literary field. All partners bring different perspectives within the book sector and contribute to ESM by organising a variety of activities focussing on the creation of inclusive books for children and young adults.
The first partner we would like to introduce to you is Acesso Cultura |Access Culture, now fully engaged in preparing the kick off conference of Every Story Matters on 19 November in Lisbon.
Acesso Cultura is a cultural association based in Portugal. The mission is to promote physical, social and intellectual access to cultural participation, by organising training courses, public debates, seminars and an annual conference. They also carry out access audits and consultation in various areas related to access. Acesso Cultura works directly with culture professionals in order to help them identify barriers to cultural participation for the general public. They have been collaborating closely with museums and theatres around Portugal in order to assist them in the implementation of access services (audiodescription, sign language interpretation, augmentative communication, relaxed sessions, etc.). In 2018, they launched the website Cultura Acessível, offering an overview on accessible culture in Portugal.
After the kick off conference, Acesso Cultura will set up workshops with professionals in libraries throughout Portugal, with the aim to discuss the promotion of inclusion through literature. The workshops will be given by Andreia Brites, more details will follow soon.
We’re very proud to collaborate with an association with many experience in organising activities that focus on inclusion in the cultural sector!